11:23 PM
Arhh.. I only got 19/30 for my English oral. Irfan got 22 maybe.. I forget.. He so good. Maybe tomorrow get the Malay oral result. And the written paper prelim exam also very near.. Guys out there who will be taking your prelim and PSLE exam please study well and I hope you all and I will pass the exams with colourful flying colours.Till here.. Assalamualaikum.. PEACE BE UPON YOU!!!
That's all from SYAFII
7:24 PM
Woohoo.. At last, my new blog is ready!!! I got problem choosing the skin so I just use this "SINGAPORE" skin... Wahhh... My Malay prerlim is on Monday (30/7/07) and English is on Tuesday (31/1/07). I need to practise for my oral..BYE!!! Assalamualaikum. Peace be upon you!
That's all from SYAFII